DIY Buckets

We provide the flowers and you make the arrangements.

DIY buckets contain a mixture of 100+ stems of focal, accent and filler flowers: all you need to make your own seasonally-geared designs.

Buckets are available for Santa Cruz pick up April-October.

Buckets full of dahlias, ranging in colors — pink, white, and yellow.

Designing your own wedding or event flowers can be rewarding and economical. Do Right’s DIY buckets are a great way to take on this challenge since we carefully curate a combination of stems based off of our expertise to get you started, reducing the stress of deciding every variety and quantity on your own. Each bucket contains 100+ stems of an appropriate mix of focal flowers, accents, and filler in either custom colors or farmers choice. Considerations before going this route:


Depending on the amount of flowers you are working with, you will likely need help. Getting help picking up the flowers, prepping vases, and doing the arrangement can be vital if you are buying multiple buckets.


Scissors are not adequate. We recommend gardening snips, not pruners as they are often too large and awkward. Don’t forget floral tape and pins (for your wearables)!


Consider the size of your order when preparing to pick up. Is there room in your sedan for 10 buckets? A pickup truck without a shell is not appropriate as wind will damage them.


Many people underestimate the time it takes to design event flowers unless they have experience doing so. Consider the time for picking up and transporting flowers, setting up a workspace and preparing vases, creating a recipe for your arrangements, arranging the flowers, packing up and cleaning your workspace, and transporting flowers to their final home.


When you are designing you will need a cool shady space where you can spread out and get dirty. You will likely be cutting stems directly onto the floor and may have a spill or two! For storage, the coolest shadiest place you can find is best. A walk-in cooler is ideal (not a regular refrigerator), but a cool garage or spare room is ok too.


DIY Buckets full of a variety of flowers.
  • This is a tricky one. The amount of flowers you need depends on the style of arrangements you are planning to create. For example, for one arrangement some people may simply place 5 stems in a bottle while others may use 30 stems in a larger mouthed vase.

    We recommend practicing designing ahead of time in the vessels you are planning to use. Get a sense of your average number of stems and go from there. On average, one 100 stem bucket will provide 6-8 quart mason jar centerpieces.

  • No. We will provide buckets but would greatly appreciate their return per instructions post-ordering.

  • Santa Cruz customers:

    Buckets are available for pick at the Santa Cruz Flower Hub, 1305 Fair Ave, M-F at 4pm. Other pick up times and days may be requested at

    Bay Area Customers:

    Buckets may be picked up or delivered midday to San Francisco during our May through October growing season with an additional fee. For this option, please email to make these special arrangements.

  • Order your flowers as soon as you can, but no later than a week before your event.

  • Your bucket will represent the best of the season at the time of your order using the same ratios we consider when making a bouquet. Some possible ingredients are:

    • 25% focal flowers: dahlias, lisianthus, ranunculus, zinnias, chrysanthemums, etc.

    • 50% accent flowers: snapdragons, cosmos, delphinium, celosia, gomphrena, yarrow, scabiosa, phlox, nigella, rudbeckia, marigolds, strawflower, etc.

    • 25% filler: cress, basil, statice, dusty miller, eucalyptus, etc.

    If you would like to customize your exact flowers, click here to have access to our florist ordering system.

  • We will cut your buckets as close to your pick up date as possible which should help them look great for 5-7 days if properly cared for. Many varieties may look good for longer but we would recommend picking up your flowers no earlier than three days prior to ensure their freshness. Note that hotter weather will affect the longevity of your flowers.

  • Flowers stay freshest in a cool and shady place away from fruit. If you have access to a walk-in cooler, that is ideal. If not, a cool garage or spare room will do. Check the water level every day if you are planning to wait a few days before working with them.

  • We post availability for the following week through Gather Flora. Note that ordering per bunch is a more expensive option and is subject to usual factors in our availability.

Place a DIY Order

Submit your DIY bucket order inquiry here. You will receive an email within the next 3-5 business days to pin down pick up logistics and to request payment. xo, Do Right Flower Farm

PS. Note that DIY buckets prices are based off June-September peak season. Spring buckets will be $100 and require more color flexibility.

Buckets of flowers ranging in coordinating colors. Whites, yellows, and oranges.
DIY Bucket example with a variety of flowers and colors.